Nelson Roy Paul Papers
Nelson Roy Paul
Nelson Roy Paul was a cartoonist and professor of journalism at the University of Oregon. He was the author of cartooning, design, and advertising books. The collection includes 53 original drawings for Oregon's Centennial Album of 1959, each drawing dealing with a historical figure, plus correspondence (1958-1959) concerning the choice of historic figures, the artist's work, and the Oregon Centennial Album project. Included also are printing plates of reduced cartoons. The 53 historical figures are: Ainsworth, Captain John C; Applegate, Jesse; Baker, Edward Dickinson; Beekman, Cornelius C.; Benson, Simon; Britt, Peter; Bush, Asahel; Carey, Charles Henry; Chamberlain, George Earle; Chapman, William Williams; Clark, Dan Elbert; Clark, Robert Carlton; Coffin, General Stephen; Condon, Thomas; Corbett, Henry Winslow; Daly, Dr. Bernard; Deady, Matthew Paul; Duniway, Abigail Scott; Eliot, Reverend Thomas Lamb; Foland, Merriman; French, John William "Pete"; Gaston, Joseph; Hanley, William; Haycox, Ernest; Holladay, Ben; Hume, Robert Beniston; Joseph, Chief; Keil, Dr. William "King"; Kelley, Joseph "Bunko"; Ladd, William Sargent; Lancaster, Samuel Christopher; Lane, Joseph; Luellings, Seth; Markham, Charles Edwin; McNary, Charles Linza; Newell, Robert "Doc"; Owens Adair, Bethena; Pennoyer, Sylvester; Powell, Joab; Powers, Albert Henry; Reed, John Silas; Reed, Simeon Gannett; Scott, Harvey Whitefield; Simpson, Captain Asa M. "Cappy Ricks"; Smith, Delazon; U'Ren, William Simon; Victor, Frances Fuller; Villard, Henry; Warren, Frank M.; Whiteaker, John; Williams, George H.; Wood, C.E.S; and Young, Frederic George