Seeking Comfort While Playing Video Games
註釋Tiré du site Internet de Ghost: ""In 2012, I found a poster of Bruno Munari "Ricerca della comodità in una poltrona scomoda" [Seeking comfort in an uncomfortable chair]. In 14 images, a man tries several positions to sit in a chair while reading his newspaper. Since then it hangs on a wall, in the living room. Later on I heard that, in its original version, it was an article written in 1944 that targeted the Italian design establishment. In his text, Munari criticizes the inflation of new chairs invented by designers, when there was still so much work to be done to "accomplish" a single chair. In 2013, my son got a video game console as a gift from his grandfather and strange choreographic correspondences started to appear between Munari's poster and the positions of that child absorbed in his games. Head down, legs up, somersaults, handstands, etc. A kind of gymnastic looking for invisible braces. Each position called for a probably impossible seat that had its matrix in the postures of a body living extraordinary adventures". David-Alexandre Guéniot. "Seeking comfort while playing video games" is a photozine for parents and children. It presents 12 true and invented positions of a child playing a video game as well as 10 screen captures created for the Vectrex console (1982-1984). On the wall, you can see a fragment of Bruno Munari's poster."