A new law-dictionary
containing, the interpretation and definition of words and terms used in the law; and also the whole law, and the practice thereof, Under all the Heads and Titles of the same. Together with such Informations relating thereto, as Explain the History and Antiquity of the Law, and our Manners, Customs, and Original Government. Collected and Abstracted from all Dictionaries, Abridgments, Institutes, Reports, Year-Books, Charters, Registers, Chronicles, and Histories, Published to this Time. And fitted for the Use of Barristers, Students, and Practisers of the Law, Members of Parliament, and other Gentlemen, Justices of Peace, Clergymen, and c. The third edition, with very large additions, and the Law-Proceedings done into English. To which is annexed, A Table of References to all the Arguments and Resolutions of the Lord Chief Justice Holt; In the several Volumes of the Reports. By Giles Jacob, gent
出版In the Savoy: printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edw. Sayer, Esq;) for J. J. and P. Knapton, D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, F. Clay, J. Batley and J. Wood, A. Ward, T. Longman, and R. Hett, 1736