註釋According to the *Guardian*, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak is the 'doyenne of post-colonial studies'. Combining intellectual ease with a belief that practical political change can be affected by theory, she has become one of the leading literary theorists and cultural critics of our times. This wide-ranging collection of early essays marks a trajectory that saw her concers become mainstream - Spivak was writing about the post-colonial before anyone had named it as such. This is not to say that *In Other Worlds* is an easy read. But if you want to get to the very heart of feminist deconstructionist epistemology, then this has to be one of the main conduits. Analysing the relationship between language, women and culture in both Western and non-Western contexts, *In Other Worlds* has become an invaluable tool for studying culture - both our 'own' and 'Other'.