Quantitative Evaluation of an Optimized Time of Flight Magnetic Resonance Imaging Procedure Using a Phantom Setup to Simulate Aqueous Humor Flow
註釋Abstract: Preclinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging at high field strength offers the great advantage of combining anatomical information and very high resolution of down to 25 μm in mice and even higher resolutions in ex vivo settings. The presented data is Time of Flight MR imaging data using a tube phantom and a given flow-rate to determine the lower limit of the flow rate that is detectable with an experimental set-up and a specifically optimized 2D TOF sequence.

In this work we present data on a phantom study which shows the ability of Time of Flight MR Imaging to detect very low flow rates down to 25 μl/h at a velocity of 0.1 mm/s non-invasively in a phantom study