註釋Results of an investigation made by a commission established to (1) examine the living conditions of Danish children of preschool age, (2) discuss the adequacy of these conditions for the children's needs, and (3) make recommendations concerning child and family policy, are reported in the 13 chapters of this volume. Chapter I contains the Commission's introductory reflections on problems of family policy. Chapter II presents a documentary account of the present living conditions of young children and their parents and pinpoints changes in these conditions which have taken place in the recent past. Chapter III deals with the characteristic features of the development of young children and describes some prerequisites of optimal personality development. Chapter IV evaluates the conditions under which young children grow up in Denmark. Chapter V presents reflections underlying the Commission's points of view concerning the form and content of a child policy. Chapter VI contains a formulation of goals intended to provide the basis of a child policy and reflects on the means of realizing these goals. Chapter VII discusses legal aspects of the child's status in the law of domestic relations. Chapter VIII focuses on and makes suggestions about parents' concerns related to employment. Chapter IX contains reflections and suggestions concerning families with young children and their relationship to the community. Chapter X provides reflections and proposals concerning the physical environment for young children. Chapter XI discusses family finances and Chapter XII discusses families with special needs children. Chapter XIII presents priorities for action as well as considerations of the use of broader solutions to some problems of child policy. A summary section outlining minority positions on topics discussed in Chapters XI and XIII is included. (Author/RH).