Flowing Passion
Anita A. Hymes
Bold, Beautiful and Inspiring Words
Xlibris Corporation
, 2011-08-24
Poetry / General
Book Review and Book Overview... Praise for Flowing Passion! “Anita’s concepts and credence will profoundly affect all aspects of your life. In this book, Anita truly opens her heart and soul and shares her pain, love, struggles, and passion for life - with conviction. You will laugh, cry, and deeply experience her pleasures and hurts. If you want to be inspired and uplifted from where you are today, to a place of enlightenme...then rush out and pick up a copy at your earliest convenience. It’s one of those reads that you don’t want to hear about from someone else; you want to experience the flow of the words for yourself. Dr. Amy Hymes, CEO, HNA Management Consulting Author of “Yes You Can! Reaching your Potential While Achieving Greatness” ############################################### Flowing Passion is a book that is filled with strong emotions. It will inspire you; it is filled with excitement and keeps you on the edge of your seat. I highly recommend you get your copy today. It will uplift you! Kirkland DJ Grant Hattiesburg MS ********************************************* Flowing Passion is filled with such wonderful expressions of love, pride, gratitude, humility, healing, and spirituality. It touches on every facet of life and relationships, and creatively puts into words those experiences that many of us share, but are limited to nothing more than our laughs, cries, moans, or groans of ecstasy......... Margaret McNeil, Dale City, Virginia ************************************************ Move over Maya Angelou,because Anita A. Hymes has arrived. This is a must read book. Once you pick it up you can ́t put it down. This book is about Life, Love and Pain. It will make you sad,cry and laugh. Flowing Passion-I enjoyed immensely! I hope book 2 is coming soon. Until then I will keep My Passion Flowing. Linda Cooley, Gautier MS ################################################# Flowing Passion" by Author Anita Hymes is an inspirational masterpiece that any woman can identify with. The life experiences are shared so passionately that they will indeed keep one´s passion flowing for a long time after the completion of reading this book. It will truly inspire and uplift you. I highly recommend you get a copy! Easter LaRoche Victim Advocate ################################################# This is a great book that inspired me with deep emotions, I enjoyed it! Lydia Simmons, Charleston SC Get you Copy today! ################################################# Book Overview”.... The book Flowing Passion... Continue to be strong and walk in faith for God will never leave or forsake you. He loves you more than life because you are so precious in His sight. The line above opens Anita A. Hymes’ “Dear Woman of God”, one of the poems in her latest book of poetry- Passion: Bold, Beautiful, and Inspiring Words. To write, they say, is to bare one’s true self into the world but Hymes sees it as a way to truly heal the soul. By a writer who is inspired by God and life experiences, Hymes’ Flowing Passion: Bold, Beautiful, and Inspiring Words is an anthology of poems and lyrical verses that sprung out of the poet’s heart and soul. With compositions such as “Why Are You Still Single?” and “Let It Go”, Flowing Passion truly captures life’s complexities and subtleties. "Flowing Passion" is a book of uplifting and inspiring poems and creative writings that will stir your passion deep within and bring healing to the soul. This book reaches deep inside your soul and emerges with encouragement, strength and faith!