The Legacy of Maria Poveka Martinez

Maria, the potter of San Ildefonso (1887-1981), is not only the most famous of Pueblo Indian potters but ranks among the best of international potters. Her work Is collected and exhibited around the world, and more than any other artist, Maria Martinez brought "signatures" to Indian art. She and other members of her family revived a dying art form and kindled a renaissance in pottery for all the Pueblos. She raised this regional art to one of international acclaim. This lavishly illustrated book draws from Spivey's 1979 classic work. Featuring entirely new photography and 120 added pots as well as a significantly expanded text, this volume considers the entirety of this artist's immense oeuvre and important works and developments in her collaboration with Julian, and after his death, with her daughter-in-law Santana, son Popovi Da, and grandson Tony Da, bringing the legacy of Maria into the bright future of Pueblo ceramics.