The Secret of Success

This is my first book in the "Secret" series. The Secret of Success, is the proposition that real peace and happiness result when the whole person has physical, social, financial, and spiritual success. You develop all those qualities to achieve real success. Your whole life is full of mental peace and happiness when your whole person becomes greater than the sum of its parts.

Real success is not an accomplishment in just one area but proficiency in all four. Our education system provides instruction for the whole curriculum of life. If you are good at math but cannot speak with proper grammar, your success will be soiled. An entertainer like Elvis Presley may sell two hundred million records and have two hundred million friends but be broke and alone with a drug and spending addiction. The ordinary person focuses on the parts of life they are trying to receive while the successful person focuses on the whole life they are trying to accomplish.

The second book in the series is The Secret of Money: Beating Inflation in the 21st Century. It would be a nice complement to this one.