U. S. - China Bilateral Trade Agreement and the Accession of China to the WTO
註釋Witnesses: Charlene Barshefsky, U.S. Trade Rep.; Steve Appel, Wash. State Farm Bureau, Amer. Farm Bureau Fed.; Michael Bonsignore, Honeywell Internat., Bus. Roundtable, and U.S.-China Bus. Council; John Chen, Sybase, Inc., and Bus. Software; Ernest Micek, Cargill, Inc., and Emergency Comm. for Amer. Trade; Robert Liuzzi, CF Industries, and Fertilizer Inst.; Ann Hoffman, Union of Needletrades, Ind'l. and Textile Employees; Mike Jendrzejczyk, Human Rights Watch; Chuck Mack, Internat. Brotherhood of Teamsters; Dave Kronlage, Delaware County Farm Bureau; Richard Erisman, Family Farms Pork, and Missouri Farm Bureau Fed.; and Leon Trammell, Tramco, Inc., and U.S. Chamber of Comm.