Turn your school into a place where every child achieves. This book provides leaders with all that they need to promote differentiation in their schools and districts. Through research and first-hand experience, the authors have identified effective strategies for hiring differentiation-minded staff members, communicating the need for differentiation to all stakeholders, motivating teachers to differentiate, and using differentiated teacher evaluation to effect change.
Contents include:
First Things First: What is Differentiation?
Can Differentiation Work in a High-Need School or District?
Change Agents are Knowledgeable Leaders: The Value of a Professional Learning Community.
Evaluating Teacher Differentiation and Differentiating Teacher Evaluation.
Hiring the Best Teachers for the Job.
A valuable resource for principals and other leaders, this book will serve as the go-to-guide to assist you on your journey in embedding differentiation into the culture of your school or district.