Citizenship and Education in Twenty-eight Countries
Judith Torney-Purta
Civic Knowledge and Engagement at Age Fourteen
International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement
, 2001
Political Science / Civics & Citizenship
Political Science / Political Ideologies / Democracy
Political Science / Public Policy / Social Policy
In 1994 the General Assembly of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) decided to undertake a study on civic education. This volume reports on Phase 2 of the project, which consisted of a test (keyed cognitive items) and a survey (un-keyed attitudinal and behavioral items) administered in each participating country to representative samples of about 3,000 students in the modal grade for 14-year-olds. A questionnaire was administered to civic-related teachers and to school principals. This report will give educators, policymakers, and the public information about what 14-year-old students know and think about democratic institutions and processes. It also provides a snapshot of the civic activities of young people and an indication of their intentions regarding future participation in civic affairs. It is divided into the following chapters: (1) "Introduction to the IEA Civic Education Study"; (2) "Instrument Development, Sampling, Testing and Quality Control"; (3) "Knowledge of Content and Skills in Interpreting Civic Information"; (4) "Students' Concepts of Democracy, Citizenship and Government"; (5) "Students' Attitudes toward the Nation, the Government, Immigrants and Women's Political Rights"; (6) "Students' Civic Engagement and Political Activities"; (7) "Students' Views' of Opportunities for Civic Engagement in Classrooms, Schools and Youth Organizations"; (8) "A Model for Explaining Students' Civic Knowledge and Engagement"; (9) "The Teaching of Civic Education"; and (10) "Civic Knowledge and Engagement: A Synthesis." Appendices contain examples of items from the civic knowledge test; item-by-score maps for scales reported in chapters 5 through 7; classical psychometric indices (selected); standard deviations of total civic knowledge; and teachers' reports. (Contains extensive references.) (BT)