Cognitive Biases And The Blind Spots Of Critical Thinking

You Don’t Ever Want To Lose Out On Achieving Super Success In Life On Account Of Cognitive Biases and Blind Spots of Critical Thinking Blighting Your Decision Making? Then Read On!

Are you one of those people who find it difficult to get along with people or read situations? Do you feel that your life would change considerably for the better if you could get rid of your cognitive biases and improve your critical thinking skills? Have you always been awed at the sight of some people being able to feel comfortable in whatever situation life puts them in? Would you like to be one of those people? Do you also worry about your irrational behavior becoming a stumbling block in your personal and professional growth? What if you were told that you could find a great way of getting rid of your biases, blind spots and display of irrational behavior? Do you think that there is nothing on the face of this world that can help you overcome your predilection to make a hash of your social interactions? Then this book is what squarely addresses your concerns.

You need to look no further than this masterfully created tome about all things concerning concealed biases, blind spots and irrational models of behavior! It contains everything that you need to know about critical thinking––what it is and what you can do to enhance it. It explains why some people have great emotional maturity and critical thinking ability and some seemingly none whatsoever. It makes you understand and believe that you can develop great emotional stability and the ability to come out on top in crucial situations.

By reading this book you get to:

-Understand what cognitive biases and blind spots of critical thinking are.

-Understand the impact of critical thinking on decision-making.

-Understand what critical thinking is and how it can stop you from following irrational mental models of thinking.

-Learn to be great at critical thinking and optimal decision making.

Sure, there are a million articles and many books out there that make similar claims, but those are nothing more than just claims. Understanding cognitive biases, and blind spots of critical thinking involves the study of the human mind, which anyone will tell you is in the realm of the highest science. This book has referenced the latest scientific advances that are peer validated and accepted as relevant facts by the scientific community.

Reading this book will bring about an epiphany of your mind and transform your life. But only if you act now!