Fraternity and Social Friendship

A collection of 09 articles from the October 2020 edition of La Civiltà Cattolica, the highly respected and oldest Catholic journal published from Rome.

Signing the historic Document on Human Fraternity in 2019, Pope Francis and Aḥmad al-Tayyeb declared that the only alternative to destructive geopolitics is fraternity. On October 3rd, 2020 the pope signed the encyclical Fratelli Tutti (Brothers and Sisters All). Antonio Spadaro decodes the pope’s third encyclical – that was inspired by the 2019 Document.

David Neuhaus, SJ says the Catholic Church has always proceeded cautiously while dealing with the political reality that is the State of Israel. Even though Jews and Catholics share a common set of concepts derived from Scripture, they do not share a common theological understanding of these concepts.

In Ritual or Ritualism: The spirit of Confucianism, Benoit Vermander, SJ tries to assimilate what Confucius and his disciples found in the observance of ritualism. The same ritual event can have different meanings. He asks whether these themes are completely outdated today or not.

Media ecology approaches communication as an ecosystem. From the mid-19th century, the Catholic Church faced a slow revolution in the communication ecosystem. By 2020, the incursion of the pandemic forced the Church to fully engage with digital media, especially in celebrating the liturgy. Paul A. Soukup, SJ explains the different models of the Church as an ecosystem.

In Hagia Sophia: From museum to mosque, Giancarlo Pani SJ elaborates the historical importance of Hagia Sophia as a unique ecumenical space: from basilica to mosque and finally a museum, and now a mosque again.