Biennial Survey of Education in the United States, 1934-1936. Bulletin, 1937, No. 2. Volume I. Chapter X
Mary Dabney Davis
L. C. Everard
Cline M. Koon
Edith A. Lathrop
Maris M. Proffitt
David Segel
Developments in Educational Method, 1934-36
ERIC Clearinghouse
, 1937
This report presents a series of brief surveys of recent developments in educational method. It points to the growing conviction that many of the aids and services once regarded as mere accessories to educational method are now among its essential elements. In the first review presented herein, Maris Profitt recognizes the present widespread appreciation of individual differences and shows how guidance services are considered an essential function of education. His account summarizes briefly the work in guidance carried on by State and city departments of public instruction. With the increased emphasis upon the complete development of each individual child there has been an extension and expansion of methods of evaluating pupil growth. New tests of ability and achievement have been conceived. The measurement of social behavior has also advanced paralleling the increasing attention paid to social adjustment in our schools. David Segel describes the acceleration in these fields. Attitudes and social behavior have been recognized for many years as factors in successful learning and in necessary social adjustments. Progress in character development, reviewed by Mary Davis, indicates the extent to which efforts to help boys and girls succeed have moved from generalities that anticipate a transfer of training, to specific work, both with groups and individual pupils. Cooperation between schools and community museums is proving helpful in furthering the knowledge pupils obtain through their curriculum experiences. The guided visitations and illustrated lectures provided in many museums and the loan of materials to schools by museums are described by L.C. Everard, who also refers to the initiative schools are taking in organizing and maintaining both temporary and permanent exhibits within their own elementary and secondary school buildings. The spectacular expansion of the use of the radio and motion pictures is described in Cline Koon's summaries of national surveys. The review indicates some of the steps already taken to develop the use of these visual aids in schools and in general programs offered to the public. Finally, Edith Lathrop reviews some of the factors affecting school-library services and summarizes many of the aids related to curricula in the elementary and secondary schools and the contribution made to library services by civic and educational organizations. An index is included. (Contains 59 footnotes.) [Best copy available has been provided.].