Daddy Doula-Ish
A 21st Century Father's Approach to the Pregnancy and Childbirth - Becoming a Connected Partner in the Journey
出版Independently Published, 2019-11-26
主題Education / Parent Participation
註釋If you have found my book, I bet you just found out that you were going to be a dad. Or, maybe the shock of that moment has passed, but now you have just witnessed hearing the little heart beat on the first sonogram. No matter where you are at on this timeline of becoming an expecting father, let me ask you, are you excited and nervous all at the same time? Do you feel the joy and connection between you and your partner? Do you want to participate more in the pregnancy and child birth? Recognize all the different feelings of this moment and hold them up in your heart. Feel it. Remember it. Unfortunately, the mundane routines and the countless distractions of your everyday life will start to chip away at the hope and promise of this very unique moment. What if you could keep the joy and excitement burning inside your heart throughout each phase of the pregnancy? What if that connection could grow like the life you are helping bring into the world? What if you could be so prepared for D-Day that you could be an integral part of the child birth?DADDY DOULA - A 21st Century Father's Approach to Pregnancy and Child Birth was created to challenge expecting fathers to take that initial excitement, fear, and nervous energy and convert them into a deep connection with their partner so they can have a more profound experience. The book provides all the relevant medical terms and concepts to make you familiar with the labor and delivery process. It also provides activities like DIY projects, home safety, choosing a doctor and hospital, health and fitness activities, and creating a birth plan that will be the mechanisms to ensure an emotional connection with your partner. To help you become a contributing factor during labor and delivery, the book provides techniques like massage, labor meditation, and coaching phrases to help your partner cope with the grueling pain and emotional vulnerability of childbirth. To tie the concepts of the book together, the last few chapters are provided to demonstrate to you that an everyday guy can take on the role of a birth partner in the delivery room. I use my personal stories to pull back the curtain and let the reader look into the labor and delivery room where each of my daughters was born. I provide an intimate and detailed account of the birth process, coping techniques used, personal frustrations experienced, and the labor decisions made for each birth. I believe with the information and the stories provided in Daddy Doula-ish, any father can become a positive force during the pregnancy and childbirth. By the end of the book, men will have a way to be a part of a life-experience most of them would have taken for granted. They will want to be a Daddy Doula. If you want to ask me questions directly go to www.daddydoulaish.com