Horticultural Hall. West Chester, Pa. Second Night of the Philadelphia Star Company
... Prices of Admission 25 Cts. Secured Seats 37 1-2 Cts. Gallery for Colored Persons 25 Cts. Front Seats Reserved for Ladies. Doors Open at 7 1/2 O'clock. Performance to Commence at 8. A Card.--To the Ladies and Gentlemen of West Chester:--You are Hereby Informed that All the Plays, &c., as Represented by the Philadelphia Star Company, are Strictly Moral in Their Tendency, Being the Productions of the Most Popular Authors of Both Ancient and Modern Times, Thereby Avoiding to Offend the Most Fastidious Taste. You are Therefore Most Respectfully Solicited to Attend These Entertainments, as They are Both Chaste and Edifying. Tuesday Evening, August 2d, 1853. When Will be Presented Bulwer's Magnificent Play of The Lady of Lyons. ... The Whole to Conclude with the Popular Farce of The Dead Shot. ...
出版Register & Examiner Steam Press, West Chester, Pa., 1853