From The Outhouse To The Moon
註釋It was July 20, 1969, I was mesmerized by what I was seeing on TV. The space module Eagle had just landed on the moon and Neil Armstrong, one of America’s astronauts was about to be the first man to walk on the moon. My mind was whirling back twenty years to my childhood. It was a time when we lived without electricity or running water. A much simpler time, but one filled with the excitement of experiencing life in “The Olden Days,” yet caught up in the explosive change of the future. Did you ever wonder what was it like in “The Good Ole Days?” Before electricity, shopping malls, computers, and i-pods? You will find out how simple things like bath night, a bag of pretzels, searching the swamp for a Christmas tree, and driving over a wood plank bridge can be an exciting adventure. Each story will draw you in and bring you in touch with a bygone era. Journey with me back to 1945, which, at the age of three, is my earliest memory, and we will go - - - - "From The Outhouse To The Moon."