
Konflik tidak dapat dihindari, baik di dalam keluarga, pekerjaan, bahkan pelayanan sekalipun. Oleh sebab itu, buku ini menyajikan topik pengampunan atas setiap konflik, sakit hati, kepahitan, dan ketidakadilan. Topik ini disajikan dalam struktur TTAA (Teks, Terjemahan, Analisis, dan Aplikasi). Buku ini merupakan perpaduan dari eksegesis Yunani dan teologi praktika.


Foundational to the question of the place of the biblical languages in training Christian leaders is the fact that the Christian God is the God who speaks and shows: He speaks His own word and shows Himself in creation and history and He supremely shows Himself in Jesus Christ. Furthermore, all we know of Jesus is in a book—authorised by the prophets and the apostles. Consequently, any affirmation not substantiated by Scripture text is not theology. This book was orginally written in Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek but has since been translated into many languages. By definition, all translation involves interpretation. The excellence of the translations, attested by the blessing of God, means that millions may come to faith in Jesus Christ based on a translation. But the next generation will never be able to defend the faith and accurately proclaim and teach itu unless we give them the ability to go back to the sources in the original languages. Error will certainly creep in by the third generation.

Peter J. Gentry, Ph.D. University of Toronto

Donald L. Williams Professor of Old Testament Interpretation

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary