The Seventieth Week of Daniel

The Church today could benefit greatly from a clear understanding of the events of the End Times – the Seventieth Week of Daniel. Because this is a dominant and recurring subject of the Bible, and because the second coming of Jesus Christ appears to be near, it is essential that Christians fully understand this period.

The Seventieth Week of Daniel will provide a comprehensive study of the significant events that will transpire during this time, including the signing of the Covenant, the Abomination of Desolation, the Great Tribulation, the Rapture of the Church, and the Day of the Lord. Hundreds of Bible verses and easy to understand charts regarding the End Times are included to provide clarity.

The majority of works concerning the End Times promote the theory of a pretribulation rapture. Instead, The Seventieth Week of Daniel takes a different approach to the timing and events surrounding the Rapture, one which has the effect of altering the typical end times’ timeline, and thus challenging traditional wisdom regarding the Seventieth Week of Daniel.