註釋Today is the beginning of a new age in genomics and biotechnology. Because technology is always advancing and bringing forth rapid changes, many molecular and cellular biologists find the constant stream of knowledge about human genomes and new methodologies particularly overwhelming. Research in molecular biology has been more influential across a multiple range of disciplines since the life of every living organism depends on molecular action. All the basics of genetics and biotechnology are included in one fundamental volume. It's written in a simple way, and the essential ideas and techniques are laid out in fundamental depth that even people with little background in biology or genetics should have no trouble following along. This book explains the many daily applications of biotechnology and provides a general overview of the biotechnology, including its relationship to genetic engineering and its readers for health, nutrition, agriculture, the environment, industry, etc. Detailed explanations of each protocol, including notes and helpful hints, are provided in addition to an overview of the underlying principles of the techniques and methods covered in each section. Many of the books on molecular biology that are now on the market, as far as we can tell, merely include protocol recipes. Unfortunately, many of them neglect to either notify the reader of potential hazards in the methods provided or clarify the principles and concepts underlying the methods stated. We plan to address these problems.