註釋The exhibition of the works of Alphonse Mucha, the world-famous Czech painter; is one of the significant cultural events representing the Czech Republic at the 2009 Budapest Spring Festival. This festival traditionally embodies the highest standards; we are therefore delighted to take part in this year's program. While planning the Czech Republic's contribution to the program, our objective has been to acquaint people with those aspects of Czech culture in Budapest that are accessible, while also attempting to transcend the borders of what is known as the central European region. In this spirit, we believe that the Moravian-born Alphonse Mucha is an appropriate choice, as he was a subject of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Since he spent his apprentice years in Munich and became a well-known artist in Paris, his career lives up to the cultural goals of the festival and his works will hopefully arouse interest in the Hungarian capital, the architecture of which was molded by the art nouveau.