What Eve Wants to Hear from Adam
註釋IN A WORLD that is full of technology and modern advances in everything from medicine to solar fusion, it is so interesting that the most common issues of life seem to still have man confused and with no concrete answers: from the common cold to how to get along with each other. Mankind has been involved in some type of war or interpersonal conflict since the beginning of time: from Cain and Abel, to Rome’s desire to conquer the world, to Hitler’s attempt to control Europe. Some attempts at control have involved masses and some have involved just two. The most fundamental relations are between a man and a woman and the products of their union: mothers and fathers and their relationship to their children. We find ourselves in the twenty-first century still trying to explore and master the elements that make a relationship move without conflict. We are still trying to discover the key to making a relationship work and without emotional or psychological injuries to anyone. As we grow and mature, we are ever aware of the difference in the concepts and attitude displayed by both men and women. We are more conscious of the differences and attempt to adjust our behavior to accommodate the needs of others. Women are from a different DNA makeup and make different needs and priorities. Because of our lack of understanding of these needs, we inflict needless pain and discomfort on each other. We must open our hearts to each other so that we can operate, in an environment that promotes love, understanding, and well doing to others. This collection of poetry addresses some of my observations in regard to what I think women desire from men. They need to feel secure, wanted, and loved. There is no perfect relationship and no perfect man or woman. However, there is a balance that can be reached that will allow us to better understand each other.