Slogans Or Distinctives
註釋In this book, the authors first identify the "educational slogans" that often mark Christian higher educationó"All truth is God's truth," "Integration of Faith and Learning," "Holistic Education," and "The Personal Touch," for example. The authors then contrast these supposed distinctives with tacit assumptions prevalent in traditional models of Christian higher education. They first propose an agenda for existing Christian liberal arts colleges and then a new model called Ambrose House, consisting of interrelated phases. One chapter is a dialogue between two fictional characters, one defending Christian higher education and the other opposing it. Contents: Foreword; To the Reader; Prologue: A Rabbit Tale; From Slogans To Distinctives; Possibilities and Prioritites: A Dialogue in Which a Skeptic Calls Christian Higher Education to Task; Bandaids and Organ Transplants: Some Current Efforts at Innovation; The Skin of Our Teeth: The Very Least We Need To Do; Is Reform Really Feasible? A Dialogue; Epilogue: Serpents and Doves.