Touring C.S. Lewis' Ireland & England

From their wealth of experience, Bramlett and Higdon provide a historical, geographical and biographical look at the life of C.S. Lewis. The reader is taken to Lewis' homes, churches, schools, and favorite places to visit in Ireland, Oxford, Cambridge, and England. An excellent guide when traveling over-seas, this book will open doors to the life of the most widely-read and influential Christian author of this century.

Perry C. Bramlett is the author of C.S. Lewis: Life at the Center and contributed to The C.S. Lewis Readers Encyclopedia. He is the founder of "C.S. Lewis for the Local Church Interstate Ministries", and has written articles and reviews for several Lewis journals. He lives in Louisville, Kentucky.

Ronald W. Higdon is the pastor of the Broadway Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky, and has had sermons published in The Library of Distinctive Sermons and Harpers Best Sermons series. He has traveled to England several times and is a long-time admirer and reader of C.S. Lewis.