Radiation Shielding and Response Studies of AEC Test Structures
R. A. Cameron
P. H. Huff
Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce
, 1962
An investigation was made to determine the variation of the radiation dose in different positions inside four small shallow-buried reinforced-concrete test structures and to compare the accelerations inside two of these structures with the accelerations in the adjacent free field. Film badges, chemical dosimeters, and energy-dependent film badges were placed throughout all four of the structures. In addition, in two of the structures, a self-recording Ballistic Research Laboratories accelerometer was located in a corner on the floor. Two more accelerometers of the same type were located in the ground about 20 ft from the two stations. Even for the small structures considered in this test, considerable variation was observed in the radiation dose for the various locations in the structures. The average radiation readings in the structures were higher by a factor of about 3 than those predicted. The energy-dependent film badges, which also were strongly direction dependent, indicated that the radiation near the bottom of the structures was approximately isotropically distributed. However, calculated doses at individual badge locations based on the isotropic distribution did not agree well with observed doses. In all cases the peak accelerations recorded inside the shelters were higher than the corresponding free-field peaks. (Author).