Deep Roots, Wild Branches

What is the future of the church in North America? Almost everywhere you turn, the story seems to be one of decline. Churches are closing faster than new ones can be planted. Existing churches engaged in effective evangelism beyond the tired tactics of attractional approaches are increasingly rare. The painful truth: internal tinkering and tweaks to the status quo will not get us to the kind of church we long for and the kind of community the world craves.

One of the major pitfalls of the past few decades is --either/or thinking--either attractional or missional; traditional or contemporary; old or new. In Deep Roots, Wild Branches, missiologist and church planter Dr. Michael Beck contends we must cultivate what he calls a --blended ecology of church that has both deep roots and wild branches. Drawing on biblical wisdom and emerging forms of church planting, Beck introduces us to present-day models and examples that don't leave traditional forms behind, but harness the power of --both/and. It honors vintage models while blending fresh expressions of real evangelism. This book serves as an introduction; consider it a bite-sized appetizer to inspire local churches to cultivate a blended ecology of church in their communities.