Learning English grammar in no time by…
"Grammar in 2 pages"
Tackle each grammar topic with 1 page of MindWork drawing and 1 page of explanation/examples/quiz.
Written according to the neuroscientific-based design principals of effective learning:
1. Attention: Directed concentration on the concept or task at hand without distraction
2. Association: Connection made with the learner's prior knowledge and experience
3. Reinforcement: Time and space for new learning to be digested, consolidated and rehearsed
4. Emotion: Affective conditions that promotes willingness to learn and social engagement in learning
5. Exercise & Sleeping: Physical activities and resting to build a strong biological base for learning and retaining knowledge
"2 頁上的文法"
以 1 頁腦力工程圖 及 1 頁解說 / 例子 / 小測來克服每個文法課題。
1. 專注:聚焦注意力在要掌握的概念或工作上,心無旁騖。
2. 關聯:與學習者已有的知識或經驗產生聯繫。
3. 強化:讓新知識得以被消化、鞏固和重演的空間。
4. 情感:使學習者願意投入學習,並感受到同伴支持的情緒氛圍。
5. 運動與睡眠:一動一靜建立良好的生理基礎促進學習,亦有助鞏固學習的成果。