Ice Dreams Part 2
註釋Madison Sinclair has picked up her life and moved to the United States. She's ready to start living her life out of her parent's shadows and having her all-star hockey boyfriend, Hunter Longo on her arm will only help. They fell in love during her vacation with her brother, Carter and his fianc�e, Alicia. She got a taste of what freedom and being an adult was really like and she wasn't ready to give it up. Carter convinced her to move south and start her college education. They found her a place to live and with the hockey playoffs in full swing, life was great or so she thought....When the rumors started to spread that Hunter would be traded to the west coast, the strain on their relationship began. She had given him every part of herself and she wasn't strong enough to watch everything that she wanted unravel. Between the rumors, Carter's wedding and meeting her new sexy neighbor, Mike, she wasn't sure if she had made the right decision.....Could she fight for their relationship or was the damage done?Ice Dreams Part 2 is the continuation of Madison and Hunter's story....Ice Dreams Part 3 will be released winter 2014.