
In a world where all the answers are known, value is created by understanding what questions to ask. The single biggest mistake leaders are making in today's disruptive environment is executing the right answers to the wrong questions. Questioneering introduces a decision making model to enable leaders in the digital age to discover the high-value questions and execute the high-value answers.

In the book, author Joseph M. Bradley provides practical and usable insights to help leaders:

  • Understand the new rules of digital leadership
  • Identify blind spots using the Bradley Blind Spot Map
  • Ask high-value questions using the ASK Technique (Aim, Surprise, Kindle)
  • Learn the LIKE Process for a proper listening infrastructure and improve knowledge base
  • Implement the 1-2-3 Model of Execution to track goals
  • Apply the 3 Golden Rules of Questioneering to improve business practices

Questioneering provides a new way of approaching business problems and reaching break through innovation. The book is filled with usable models and frameworks to lead you to create high-value questions, which leads to high-value answers for your current and future business issues.