Restoring Love

Just as King David, we all need restoration in our souls at one time or another. We may never admit it in front of our Christian friends, but most of us know the pain of having been broken by life's circumstances-many of us even know the bitterness of being in bondage to unhealthy habits and patterns.

Perhaps you have been chained down by the lingering pain of a tragedy, or maybe you've found that the routine of your day-to-day existence has gradually walled you away from your first love-from intimacy with God. You might even admit that the spark you had as a new believer has . . . well, dimmed.

Join author Debbie Alsdorf as she walks you through Scripture, rediscovering the power of the Deliverer-the One who can restore and rebuild that which has been broken in your life. Debbie will challenge you to cut away the pat, simplistic, "Christianese" answers, and draw near to God in a fresh and authentic intimacy, while never denying your circumstances. Discover for yourself that the Sovereign Lord is the only one capable of truly restoring love to your soul-of giving you freedom to live for Him.

Debbie Alsdorf is a popular speaker and director of women's ministries at Cornerstone Fellowship in Livermore, California. There she teaches women's Bible studies and works with prison outreach and women in recovery. She is married with a blended family of four teenagers, two cats, and her beloved dog Bubba. She also wrote Living Love and Steadfast Love.