Use of Functional Electrical Stimulation in the Lower Extremities of Incomplete Spinal Cord Injured Patients
註釋After a program of therapeutic electrical stimulation, 3 groups of incomplete spinal cord injuried (SCI) patients were identified, those in whom an improvement of both voluntary and stimulated muscle force was observed, those with an increase in stimulation response only, and patients in whom no effects of electrical stimulation training could be recorded. As it is difficult to predict the outcome of the electrical stimulation rehabilitation process, a diagnostic procedure was developed to predict soon after accidents which incomplete SCI patients are candidates for permanent use of a functional electrical stimulation (FES) orthotic aid. The candidates for chronic use of FES are patients with weak ankle dorsiflexors and sufficiently with a single channel peroneal stimulator augmenting dorsiflexion and knee and hip flexion in a total lower limb flexion response. By applying FES to the ankle plantar flexors, the swing phase of walking obtained.