The Army's Local Economic Effects
Appendix B, Volume I. Alabama through Minnesota
出版RAND, 2021
註釋To help inform decisionmaking in the event that the Army experiences significant changes to its budget, the U.S. Army Quadrennial Defense Review Office asked the RAND Arroyo Center to provide an update to a previous report that provides an empirical understanding of how Army spending affects communities and states. The second edition of the main report, The Army's Local Economic Effects, presents findings on the economic activity supported by Army spending at the local level. This appendix is an ancillary volume. It provides detailed results of the analysis, organized by state and congressional district. It includes descriptions of the overall economic effects for each state, then delves into more detail by fiscal year, from 2014 through 2017, concluding with a parsing of the data by congressional district, providing maps and calculations. This volume includes Alabama through Minnesota.