Analysis of Neurogenic Disordered Discourse Production

Analysis of discourse production among speakers with acquired communication disorders is an important and necessary clinical procedure. This book provides a comprehensive review and discussion of aphasia and its related disorders, their corresponding clinical discourse symptoms that speech-and-language pathologists should address, and the different methods of discourse elicitation that are clinically and research oriented.

This edition has been thoroughly updated throughout to include the latest research, including advances in word retrieval and discourse production, cognitive and multicultural aspects of disordered discourse production, application of technology to understand and evaluate spoken discourse, and evidence-based intervention of discourse impairments. Contemporary issues related to disordered/clinical discourse elicitation are added. Recent advancement in discourse analysis is covered and discussions of various treatment options of discourse symptoms are provided. Finally, the manifestation of discourse symptoms as a function of speakers’ multilingual/multi-cultural status and specific considerations related to clinical assessment and remediation are explored.

As the only introductory text to include comprehensive coverage of basic knowledge of neurogenic disordered discourse, it is a must-read for students, clinicians, and researchers in various fields. Readers will also benefit from plenty of examples that provide a connection between the theoretical contents presented in the text and application to real-life contexts of discourse production.