An Analysis of LANDSAT Systems for Cartographic and Terrain Information
Theodore C. Vogel
Report No. 9 in the ETL Series on Remote Sensing
Department of Defense, Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Engineer Topographic Laboratories
, 1977
The scientific and technical literature is reviewed to analyze the capabilities of LANDSAT Systems 1, 2, 3, and 4 for hydrographic, topographic, planimetric, and thematic map compilation. The systems capabilities were analyzed according to the following qualitative code for a selected list of map and chart requirements: O - Not detectable, the map element cannot be discerned or located from either type of LANDSAT data; 1 - Detectable, map element can be detected but not identified from the type of LANDSAT data indicated; 2 - Identifiable, map element can be detected and recognized as a particular type of feature from the LANDSAT data indicated, e.g. road, canal, etc., collateral information may be required to reach this analysis level; 3 - Classifiable LANDSAT data, with the use of all available collateral information, can provide the information required for the map element including all required measurements, e.g. width, length, and areas. It was concluded that LANDSAT 1, 2, 3 MSS data is compatible with National Map Accuracy Standards and can be used to update the map elements on map scales 1:1,000,000 through 1:250,000, although many of the cultural, hydrographic, and botanical elements may be unclassifiable.