Computers and Astrology
註釋Computers and Astrology - ISBN 0-9624648-1-3 Computers and Astrology is a unique keep-by-your-computer reference for astrologers. There is no other book of its kind that tells you in graphic detail the many options available in today's high-powered astrological computing programs. Here you can find answers to such questions as: what's the difference between the 20+ different house systems - and which one is best to use when? What are progressed angles and primary directions? What is the significance of planetary patterns such as kite, grand cross, yod, etc. How to read a 90? sort graphic ephemeris? The answers are all here - often graphically with over 100 diagrams and tables to clarify confusing concepts. Computers and Astrology is actually four books in one: (1) a Universal Software User's Guide that describes the many options available when electronically casting charts. This section includes examples of chart output types, house systems, coordinates, points, city databases, ephemeris, asteroids, uranians and more; (2) a software comparison methodology that explains how to assess commercially available astrology programs to find the most suitable one based upon your needs and budget, (3) an astrological dictionary that offers an encyclopedia presentation of hard to find astrology and astronomy related facts and definitions; (4) information useful for casting charts such as time zones, major life transits, and a listing of over 1,000 major world city coordinates. Software programs evolve daily, but almost all the information in this book remains timelessly current. You can find more about Computers and Astrology, including the table of contents,