This Wild Love: A Lesbian LGBTQ+ Romance Collection

This Wild Love: A Lesbian LGBTQ+ Romance Collection is a box set of 3 of Barbara Stone’s steamy and sensual lesbian romances.


The three books contained in this collection tell of women couples finding love with each other, new experiences, first-times, of steamy passion, and of happiness.




Best Friends

We were best friends.

We did everything together.

I’d always adored Jettie.

I’d always felt closer to her than anybody else.

So when she touches my thigh and sparks fly in my chest and my heart flutters like mad...

I don’t know what to do.

I don’t know what I’m feeling.

I just know that I want to be close to my best friend.

Closer than I’ve been to anyone ever.

Is this a mistake?




Found Again

She changed my life. She was the most beautiful girl.

She stole my heart.


I was a fool to think it would last.

I was a fool to think that she would stay.


She was the only person I ever trusted.

She was the only person I ever loved.


The only person who could make me feel white-hot ecstasy.

But I moved on, and I stopped thinking about her.


Until she came back.

Turned me upside down and inside out.


I don't know if I can do this.

I don't know if I'm ready for this.


She wants a second chance...

...and, God, I want to give it to her.


But I don't know if I can open my heart one more time...




Just Friends

I never thought I’d find a guy.

Online dating? What a scam.

Either you’re in mortal danger, or all the guy wants is some plastic doll.

But if you’re a real woman? Well, good luck.

My hopes were dwindling.

But there was something else… something more to my chronic condition of singleness.

I didn’t know if I actually wanted a guy.

The more I thought about it, the less sure I was.

And the more I talked about it with my best friend, Annabelle, the more I started to think about her in ways I shouldn’t.

She’s my friend… my closest friend.

And yet when I close my eyes at night, I imagine her sharing my bed with me.

But this could never be…

I’m not a lesbian.

I’m not into girls.

And Annabelle and I?

Well… we’re just friends?
