Global Value Chains Meet Innovation Systems
Are There Learning Opportunities for Developing Countries?
出版Inter-American Development Bank, 2010
註釋The literature regarding innovation systems (ISs) tends not to emphasize the crucial impact of international knowledge and innovation exchange and collaboration through, for example, inter-firm and intra-firm networks and global value chains (GVCs). In developing countries, knowledge and innovation exchange, and collaboration are crucial, with integration in GVCs playing a growing and very important role in accessing knowledge and enhancing learning and innovation. However, there is no agreement in the literature about how innovation systems and GVCs interact or how this interaction is likely to affect enterprise learning. Three main conclusions emerge from the analytical framework and evidence presented in this paper. First, learning mechanisms can vary widely within the various forms of governance of GVCs: they can be the result of the pressure to achieve international standards or they can be facilitated by direct involvement of the value chain leaders when the suppliers' competence is low and the risk of failure to comply is high. When the competencies of the actors in the value chain are complementary, learning is mutual and is based on intense face-to-face interactions. Second, as innovations systems are "opened" to foreign sources of knowledge, the relationship between GVCs and ISs is nonlinear and endogenous, allowing all actors involved to benefit. Based on the model herein, a well-structured and efficient innovation system would help reduce transaction complexity and enable transactions based on relational forms of GVC governance. Third, the internal governance of a GVC is a dynamic phenomenon that is subject to continuous adjustments and changes, and the nature of the innovation system affects this co-evolution