Product Development Within Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Legal Risk
Exemplary for Safe Autonomous Vehicles
出版Springer Nature, 2022
註釋Intro -- Foreword -- Acknowledgments -- Danksagungen -- Abstract -- Zusammenfassung -- Symbols -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- List of Figures -- 1 Introduction -- 1.1 Initial situation -- 1.2 Objective and Research Questions -- 2 Findings from Traffic Accident Analysis -- 2.1 Motivation -- 2.2 Categorizing the Levels of Driving Automation -- 2.3 Accident Data to Demonstrate Potential Safety Benefits and Risks -- 2.4 Federal Road Traffic Accident Statistics in Germany -- 2.5 German In-Depth Accident Study (GIDAS) -- 2.6 Road Traffic Accident Statistics in the USA -- 2.7 International Road Accident Data Collections -- 2.8 Accident Data Collections of Automobile Manufacturers -- 2.9 Accident Data of the German Insurance Association -- 2.10 Accident Data Collections of Consumer Associations (ADAC) -- 2.11 The Fundamentals of Accident Data Analysis -- 2.11.1 Level of Data Collection versus Number of Cases -- 2.11.2 The Validity of Areas of Action Compared to Areas of Efficiency -- 2.11.3 Potential Safety Benefits Depending on Automation Levels and Degree of Efficiency -- 2.12 Significance of Possible Predictions Based on Accident Data -- 2.12.1 A Posteriori Analyses of Accident Data for "Driver Only"/"No Automation" -- 2.12.2 A Priori Predictions for Assisted and Partially Automated Driving -- 2.12.3 Potential Safety Benefits and Test Scenarios for Development of Highly and Fully Automated Driving -- 2.13 Potential Safety Benefits / Risks and Impacts on Testing -- 2.13.1 Human Error versus Technical Failure in Full Automation -- 2.13.2 Potential Safety Benefits - Human and Machine Performance -- 2.13.3 Artificial Intelligence versus Human Perception Limits and Consequence -- 2.13.4 Human Error versus Artificial Intelligence Incertitudes -- 2.13.5 Potential Safety Benefits of Fully Automated Vehicles in Inevitable Incidents.