Life, Liberty, and Covid-19

Addressed to anyone suffering emotionally and searching for meaning in the Covid-19 pandemic, this book seeks to help flatten the curve of anxiety, depression, and anger. People are mourning many losses: health, loved ones, way of life, and economic wellbeing. Some feel more overwhelmed than others. Some are terrified of the unknown losses yet to come. All live in the shadow of death with no end in sight.

This book suggests that this crisis is both a danger and an opportunity for individuals and the nation. The choice is to remain in the dark cave of fear, sadness, and anger or to ascend to the mountaintop of wise minds and compassionate hearts to view a panorama of struggles and the will to fight on. Proposing that growth and healing come only through facing adversity with openness and courage, this book offers insights and practices to transform our distressing emotions into medicine for healing and growth.