Youth: Reflection of Universe

All over the world, majority of youths now a day are confused, stressed, frustrated, addicted on drugs, directionless, depressed, suffering anxiety, violent and never the less full of negative energies. You must have noticed these traits among different people in society. I am not stating that everyone has such problem but its commonly noticeable in today’s generation. The question is, ”Are they bad?” Don’t they have competence to live a good, eloquent and joyful life?? Answer to all such undesirable questions is big “NO”. In USA a well-known university conducted a survey among successful students in various field to find out the causes behind their success. It was surprising to note that, whatever they have achieved academically (Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer, science graduate, Chartered accountants, MBA or any other degree…) contributed just 13% and the remaining 87% was “Life Management”