Farewell Chapelon
註釋When the cargo ship Chapelon is ordered to sail from her home port of Dunkirk just two days before Christmas, her crew is less than pleased. Not only were their hopes of celebrating with their loved ones wrecked, they also knew they were about to sail into rough and turbulent seas.
In a storm of unprecedented fury that is encountered off the north-east coast of England, the ship experiences an engine room explosion that leaves her disabled and at the mercy of the furious wind blowing her towards the shore. Efforts to find a tug to assist Chapelon prove to be fruitless and a life boat and helicopter that are dispatched to aid the distressed ship and rescue her crew themselves become overwhelmed in the atrocious conditions being experienced.
When Chapelon's grounding becomes an obvious and imminent certainty, her crew's very survival becomes reliant upon a local coastguard coming up with a last-ditch plan.