Authors Allan Osborne and Philip DeMattia designed this book to provide the classroom teacher with practical applications and exercises on dealing effectively with the consequences of conflicts that arise in classroom settings. This book facilitates the process of developing a personal system of classroom management. The handbook contains numerous case studies of students who present challenging behaviors in the classroom situation. By analyzing and reflecting on these case studies, a teacher can become more adept at handling difficult behaviors in the classroom.
Chapters are organized around themes that reflect the typical causes of behavior challenges of children. Each chapter begins with a brief overview of the problem as manifested in a classroom situation and is followed by a bibliography of sources for additional reading.
This book is not designed to be a comprehensive text on behavioral interventions. Several excellent texts currently exist on this topic. Rather, this book is designed to be used as supplemental material in conjunction with any one of the available texts.
Classroom Management is written in a practical, easy-to-follow format. It provides teachers with practical applications of specific methodologies and strategies-- applications which will provide them with the tools necessary to successfully manage student behavior in a variety of situations and settings. The insights gained from the case studies in this book will result in improved problem-solving and decision-making skills. Each chapter includes self-reflective exercises that encourage an examination and dialogue on the causes and means of dealing with inappropriate classroom behavior. Throughout the work, the central focus is on individual student development and the teacher's responsibility to create appropriate positive settings that encourage growth.