A Short Catechism of Cardinal Bellarmine
註釋A Short Catechism of Cardinal Bellarmine Large Print Edition Taken from the 1614 Edition A Brief Christian Doctrine to Be Learned by Heart Of the end of a Christian, and of the sign of the cross. Master: Are you a Christian? Scholar: I am by the Grace of God. M. What do you mean by a Christian? S. He that makes the Profession of the Faith and Love of Christ. M. In what does the Faith of Christ chiefly consist? S. In two principal mysteries, which are included in the Sign of the Holy Cross, that is the Unity and Trinity of God and in the Incarnation and Death of our Saviour. M. What does Unity and Trinity of God mean? S. It means that in God there is only one Divinity, or as we say, Essence and Divine Nature which nevertheless is in three Divine Persons that are called Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. M. Why are there three Divine Persons? S. Because the Father has no beginning, nor proceeds from another person. The Son proceeds from the Father and the Holy Ghost from the Father and the Son. M. Why are these three persons only one God? S. Because they have only one essence, one power, one wisdom, and one goodness. M. What does Incarnation and Death of our Saviour mean? S. It means that the Son of God, that is the second person of the Most Blessed Trinity became man, and died upon the Cross to save us. M. How are these two mysteries included in the Sign of the Cross? S. Because we make the sign of the Holy Cross putting our right hand first to the head saying, In the Name of the Father, then under the breath saying, And of the Son, finally to the left and right shoulder saying, And of the Holy Ghost. Amen. M. How then is shown here the first mystery of the Most Blessed Trinity? S. Because this word, In the Name, signifies the unity, the other words signify the Trinity. M. Show now the second? S. The figure of the Cross does represent the Death of our Saviour, who after he was made man and taught the way of salvation with doctrine, with example and with miracles, died upon the Holy wood of the Cross. A Declaration of the Creed. M. Which is the rule of belief? S. It is the symbol of the apostles, which commonly we call the Creed.