Year Nine NAPLAN-style Tests

Excel Revise in a Month Year 9 NAPLAN*-style Tests:

  • includes an introduction to the actual tests.
  • covers the e ssential literacy and numeracy components assessed in the actual tests
  • topics for literacy include spelling, grammar, punctuation, comp rehension and writing
  • topics for numeracy include number, data, patterns, algebra, measurement, space and geometry
  • provides a balanced four-day-a-week program that tells you exactly what to study on each day
  • provides plenty of varied exercises, real test practi ce and two sample test papers
  • includes fully explained answers to all questions and a detailed marking guide for writing questions

Excel Revise in a Month Year 9 NAPLAN*-style Tests wi ll help you revise for success with the following features:

  • key points - provides a detailed summary of each topic
  • t est your skills - gives you the opportunity to practise
  • r eal test - allows you to practise questions like those in the real test
  • sample test papers - allows you to become familiar with the format of the actual tests
  • suggested time - help s prepare you to answer questions under the time constraints of the actu al tests
  • easy-to-use presentation

Excel Revise in a Month study guides take the hard work out of studying. Maxim ise your results in the shortest time possible. Excel makes it easy for you. Excel has helped students achieve exam success fo r over twenty years. We are the leading publisher of study guides in Aus tralia. We have chosen the most experienced authors to write the Exc el series to ensure that our study guides are of the highest standa rd.

* This is not an officially endorsed publication of the NAPLA N program and is produced by Pascal Press independently of Australian go vernments.