The Dictatorship of Capital

 If you are one of the many people today looking for explanations and possible solutions to the ongoing Global Financial Crisis and Global Ecological Crisis, then this book should be on your reading list. 

Michael Tubbs spent eighteen years as a barrister representing smaller corporations against some of the giant corporations of capital which now dominate the ‘world global economy’. Tubbs was in practice during the collapse of the ‘top down’ Soviet system, and its replacement by the equally ‘top down’ corporatist system. 

Tubbs’ experience forced him to draw the unavoidable conclusion that: ‘EVERY CORPORATION OF CAPITAL IS POTENTIALLY, IN THEORY AND FACT, A CONSPIRACY AGAINST EVERYTHING ELSE IN SOCIETY EXCEPT ITSELF’. He believes it is time that people understood the role that corporatism has played in bringing the world to its economic and environmental knees. 

He shows how the corporations of capital have gained so much power in society, to the detriment of democracy throughout the world. While private corporations have exploited our labour and our natural resources for their own greed, our governments have failed in their duty of care. Corporations continue to hide away their profits in tax havens, while ordinary citizens bear the brunt of the GFC and GEC, and no one accepts or apportions blame.

Tubbs argues it is time to take action — to lift the corporate veil of secrecy and privilege that protects corporations of capital, and to democratise them for the benefit of all.