American privateer Richard Tetrault arrives in March 1814 at his family's plantation on the Rappahannock River in Virginia to find his home in ashes, a sister dead and his mother kidnapped by Denis Delonde, an opportunist willing to commit any act, any immorality in his quest for legendary gold. Despite ominous feelings and his need to sail, he stays with a sick Tara Kendall, only for him to find in the quiet of that parlor night a woman that is enough to steal a man away from the sea. This woman, this overwhelming tide within him, isn't supposed to happen.
Richard sails on the next tide, an overriding need for vengeance driving him. But the privateer has roused something wild and unmanageable within Tara Kendall and, disowned by her father, she stows away on Richard's ship.
Will Richard save his mother and catch Denis Delonde? Dare he ignore this legend that has hounded him since his childhood? His mother's life, and unknown to him, Tara's life, may hang in the balance should he ignore the warning in his dreams.