Spiritual Water for the Soul...Sermons and Commentaries

This book and the series to follow reveal who God is through biblical and personal references, in response to a question posed by my deacon friend: Who is God? After a brief pause, my response was, How much time do you have? I knew he wanted a deeper answer than the typical: He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, and The Great I Am. These writings are an attempt to provide simplified answers to the very complex question: Who is God?

God is revealed in his written Word, the Bible, through his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and through the lives of believers. God is in his Word and he is in his works, but God is spirit and he can only be discerned spiritually. We cannot see him with the natural eye.

You will find a blessing within these pages just for you. I not only dare you, but invite you to consume, digest, and ingest the messages contained within the covers of this book.

--Samuel B. McKinney D Min, DD, DHL Pastor Emeritus, Mount Zion Baptist Church of Seattle, Washington