Wondering what the next chapter of her spiritual journey will bring her,
Kristin announces ‘Darling, after 7 years of divine self-revelation, indulge
me on how how you ever talked me into moving in with you’.
Will Kristin ever adjust to reality in Virginia Beach with the fairytale
lifestyle in the limelight Mark and Poindexter lured her with.
Bridgette, the Black Widow of the boarding stable, out of spite is
determined to stop Kristin and Mark’s wedding while Kristin is busy
filming the podcast ‘Historical Restoration-the Legacy’ for Poindexter at
Eagle Point; the release of his documentary ‘War of the Rebellion’ at the
Cannes Film Festival.
Mark with his addiction to thrill seeking, near death marine life adventures
and his ever increasing plans to control Kristin, lays down the law,
wondering just how far he can take her.