The concept of authoring books as small modules has enticed the author to start writing taking advantage of this format. Otology is a highly developed science and post graduate students need to be trained in this field to deliver excellent services to the patient at large. This book covers all aspects of middle ear diseases with special emphasis on treatment.
While authoring this book the author had faced an enormous dilemma i.e where to start and where exactly to stop. The concept of writing a book as a water tight compartment really helped the author in surmounting this problem. The author has managed to confine himself only to middle ear anatomy, middle ear diseases and their management. Relevant topics covering basic anatomy, embryology, pathology and microbiology have been dealt with on a need to know basis.
This book is targetted towards the need of post graduate students in otolaryngology. Care is taken to ensure that current concepts and literature are included in this book. The chapter wise organization of this book will lead the student towards better understanding of this topic.
Illustrations and pictures have been included where ever necessary to provide better understanding. The author has taken enough care to make this book really simple and easy to understand.
The author would like to place on record his profuse thanks to his family members for have supported him tirelessly during this project.